Youth Voice for Justice and Rights

Terre des hommes Albania is implementing the project «YOUTH VOICE FOR JUSTICE AND RIGHTS». The overall objective is “Strengthening the child-friendliness of the Albanian justice system by increasing the ownership of right-holders (children and youth) and duty-bearers (law enforcement and social care professionals)."

This will be achieved through empowering children and youth to actively participate in child/youth led initiatives. More specifically, in the 8 targeted areas in Albania the project will be improving knowledge and capacities of children/youth (14-25 years old) about rule of law, democracy, hu¬man rights, gender & diversity, environment and their role as agents of change in their community. They will be prompted to take actions by implementing 48 child/youth-led initiatives and building sustainable solutions for each of the previous mentioned topics.  At the same time youth 19 CSOs and community groups will be supported to work with children/youth, families, and communities to develop and implement local initiatives on children/ youth empowerment and active participation.  



  • Empower children and youth to become agents of change that actively participate in child/youth led initiatives at community level that focus on rule of law, democracy, human rights and environment.
  • Empower children and youth to become agents of change that actively participate in child/youth led initiatives at community level that focus on gender & diversity, gender roles and social norms.
  • Build capacity of justice professionals to provide quality services to youth offenders, victims, and witnesses during criminal proceedings.


Planned project execution period: 1 July 2022 - 30 June 2025
Project Budget: EUR 1,000,000



Austrian Development Agency
Austrian Development Agency

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