Research Project on Online Sexual Violence

Focused on youth participation, this research project investigates emerging social norms that perpetuate sexual violence among youth online, explores youth ideas for prevention by challenging destructive norms and bolstering supportive norms, and increases understanding of youth experience of peer-to-peer online sexual violence.

Key objectives:    

  1. Support the tech industry, government, and civil society actors to understand the risks youth face online and provide appropriate policy guidance on risk mitigation. 
  2. Work with youth to strengthen peer support strategies. Youth will identify practical solutions to achieving safety online, that can be built into recommendations for key sectors. 

Target group: This research project will engage youth aged 13-18 as research participants because this is a transitionary period of their life where they are exploring their sexuality and relationships and are spending significant time online. While the research focuses on 13–18-year-old participants, they will be asked about experiences of younger children (7-12). All youth approached to participate will need to have experience online in three targeted countries Albania, Canada, and Kenya.

Project duration: February 2023-January 2025

Donor and implementing parties: The Tech Coalition Safe Online Research Project is funded by End Violence Against Children and Technology Coalition and implemented in partnership with Royal Roads University (Canada), International Institute for Child Right and Development (USA), and Kenya Alliance for the Advancement of Children (Kenya). 

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