In collaboration with the General Prosecutor's Office, we recently concluded a two-day training with 55 justice professionals in national level. The training focused on presenting the working protocol for victim coordinators, the assistance for minors who are victims or witnesses of criminal offenses and enhancing inter-institutional cooperation.
The training took place in Tirana, Shkodër and Vlorë, bringing together prosecutors, judicial police officers, and victim coordinators. To ensure a comprehensive, inter sectorial approach, the training also involved Child Protection Workers, as well as representatives from the State Agency for the Rights and Protection of the Child (SARPC) and the Center for Juvenile and Youth Crime Prevention (QPKMR).
E.C., Victim Coordinator, commented: "The training was practical and directly connected to our responsibilities, emphasizing the need for the active involvement of all professionals working with minors who are victims or witnesses of criminal acts."
This activity was carried out as part of the "Youth Voice for Justice and Rights" project, with funds of Austrian Development Agency and ADC in Albania.