Terre des hommes Advances Child-Friendly Justice in Shkodra

Terre des hommes Advances Child-Friendly Justice in Shkodra

In an effort to enhance the judicial treatment of minors and victims of abuse, Terre des Hommes, in collaboration with the General Prosecutor's Office, has successfully conducted another training session for legal professionals in Shkodra. This initiative is part of the "Youth Voice for Justice and Rights" project, funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) in Albania.

Eleven prosecutors, Judicial Police Officers, and coordinators of subjects with special status from the Prosecutor's Office of Shkodra, Lezha, and Kukës participated in the training. The primary goal was to equip legal professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge to handle sensitive cases involving children in a manner that prioritizes their well-being and respects their rights.

One of them evaluated the training as follows: "The topics covered during these two days have increased awareness of the impact that every action, word, or facial expression of the Officer or the Prosecutor has on the psychology of the minor during the interview.” By implementing these training sessions, Terre des Hommes aims to foster a more child-friendly judicial system in Albania