"Pink is the headline of this October", Young People share Powerful Messages through Creative Work

"Pink is the headline of this October", Young People share Powerful Messages through Creative Work

Pink is the headline of this October, which speaks about the importance of early detection of breast cancer. Besides, it was also the headline of the exhibition showcasing the creative work of young people involved in the "Youth Voice for Justice and Rights" funded by the Austrian Development Agency and ADC in Albania. In the Community Center "Të Qëndrojmë së Bashku" in Tirana, young people conveyed their messages to the girls and women who have successfully overcome the battle with the disease, thanks to their courage and determination not to give up.

Aida and Anjeza, two of the young women who worked on one of the paintings in this exhibition, tell us where they got the inspiration for their creation.
"A person close to me has had such an experience. I am inspired by her story because she bravely managed to face this disease. She has not lost her positivity, and I believe that her story has influenced me to convey the message of never giving up through this painting," affirms Aida.

Mrs. Enkelejda Kallçiu, the head of Country Office, also appreciated the positive messages conveyed by the paintings of the young people.
"As a representative of Tdh Albania, I consider it fortunate to support each of your youth initiatives, which carry powerful awareness-raising and emotional messages. I would like to invite not only girls and women from the community to see your exhibition, but also boys and men to support this cause. It is important for women to know that they are not alone in this battle."