Twenty-three young people, who served as co-researchers in a national study on youth involvement and the challenges associated with youth engagement, presented the findings and recommendations of their research today. This experience was an example of what the 650 participants questioned in the study were looking for. It involved a group of young researchers who were engaged in the project "Youth Voice for Justice and Rights," which was funded by the Austrian Development Agency and ADC in Albania. The youth asked to have greater involvement, particularly in decision-making institutions.
Soira Gjevori, one of the young co-researcher in this groundbreaking study, shares how their involvement in the research process has brought about significant changes to her.
"The findings of this study are what we feel and touch every day in our society. Researching the issues that concern me and my peers made me convinced that only through involvement can we learn more."
The program manager at ADA in Albania, Mrs. Elona Fana, highlighted the unique aspects of this project, which has been implemented for a year by Terre des hommes Albania.
"Developments around the world make it even more important to empower young people with regard to participation and inherent engagement in democratic processes and human rights issues. This project, which emphasizes gender equality and initiatives for the protection of the environment and addressing climate change, comes in support of it."
While the head of the Country Office of Tdh, Mrs. Enkelejda Kallçiu, emphasized:
"The conclusion of this study signifies the completion of one phase, while simultaneously marking the commencement of another. This subsequent phase seeks to breathe life into the findings and recommendations, in order to facilitate the implementation of tangible initiatives that promote the inclusion of young people."
The conduction of this study by young people serves not only as a benefit for the participating youth, but also to enforce the law and support the national strategy for youth 2021-2027.