Gender-Based Violence Info Session with Afghan Mothers and Girls

Gender-Based Violence Info Session with Afghan Mothers and Girls

Tdh organized an outdoor activity in Lezha for a group of Afghan mothers and girls, with a focus on gender-based violence. The activity included a discussion of the Referral Pathway matrix and various types of gender-based abuse.This provided an opportunity for participants to share their experiences and raise awareness about this critical human rights issue. Following that, they visited the Skanderbeg memorial, where they were informed about Albanian history and the national hero.

One of the most emotional moments was when Mozhgan said, with great happiness, "I feel that my rights as a woman will never be violated. I can also work, have fun easily, and live freely. Thank you for giving me this feeling."

Shoghla, who had her eight-month-old baby with her, said, "I believe that these pleasant memories will replace the negative memories we have from the war in Afghanistan. Our memories will be filled with positivity and encouragement."

This activity was organized within the project "Refugees, especially children and women, have access to quality services for the prevention and response to abuse, violence, and neglect," implemented by Terre des hommes Albania and by Nisma për Ndryshim Shoqëror, ARSIS in partnership with UNICEF Albania and funded by the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) of the US Department of State