Exploring Personal Strength through the "Tree of Life" Workshop with the Afghan Community

Exploring Personal Strength through the "Tree of Life" Workshop with the Afghan Community

The two-day workshop offered Afghan girls and women a therapeutic journey to explore their personal stories, strengths, and challenges using the concept of the Tree of Life. They learned about the significance of the concept across different cultures and psychological approaches. They also shared their own stories, identified strengths and challenges, and set empowering goals for personal growth. The participants shared positive messages at the end of the workshop.

Beheshte said, "I had never thought about myself this much before. Regarding my strengths and abilities, I have regained my self-belief and I feel very strong."

Mozhgan, a mother of two children, expressed her gratitude for reviving dormant and nearly extinguished emotions within her through the launch of this workshop.

"Now my future goals are clear to me, and I have started planning to achieve them." - she said.

This activity was organized within the project "Refugees, especially children and women, have access to quality services for the prevention and response to abuse, violence, and neglect," implemented by Terre des hommes Albania and by Nisma për Ndryshim Shoqëror, ARSIS in partnership with UNICEF Albania and funded by the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) of the US Department of State.