Local partners of Terre des hommes Albania, who have been collaborating with us for years, have become part of a workshop focused on localization, a concept closely linked to the efficiency of the work we all do in the long run.
According to its 2021-2024 strategy, Terre des hommes aims to define global partnerships along with localization policies to improve its service delivery through local actors.
During this workshop, Tdh Albania's partners were introduced to the concept of "localization", how it is approached from the perspective of INGOs and how existing collaborations with local actors can be further improved.
This workshop was organized within the framework of the " Strengthening local organizations capacities and engagement through Tdh interventions" project with the financial support of the Somaha Foundation, and implemented in four countries: Albania, Hungary, Bangladesh and Nepal with a focus on increasing the efficiency of collaborations in the field with local actors.