Youth leaders from Tirana, Elbasan, Dibra and Fieri came together in a 3-day training session, which aim was to engage them, through You Create Methodology, in research work, suggesting them to use art as a tool to identify actions they can undertake to increase their wellbeing, resilience, sense of belonging to the community. Thanks to this process they can develop leadership and artistic skills, and they can understand how to influence better in decision-making and take dedicated actions to empower their communities. This activity is organized in the framework of “Youth Voice for Justice and Rights” project, implemented by Terre des hommes and funded by Austrian Development Cooperation. The overall objective is “Strengthening the child-friendliness of the Albanian justice system by increasing the ownership of right-holders (children and youth) and duty-bearers (law enforcement and social care professionals)."
This will be achieved through empowering children and youth to actively participate in child/youth led initiatives. More specifically, in the 8 targeted areas in Albania the project will be improving knowledge and capacities of children/youth (14-25 years old) about rule of law, democracy, hu¬man rights, gender & diversity, environment and their role as agents of change in their community. They will be prompted to take actions by implementing 48 child/youth-led initiatives and building sustainable solutions for each of the previous mentioned topics. At the same time youth 19 CSOs and community groups will be supported to work with children/youth, families, and communities to develop and implement local initiatives on children/ youth empowerment and active participation.