Stela and Deana are two specialists of the Integration, Diaspora and Migration Sector at the Municipality of Shkodra, who took part in a workshop recently organized by Terre des hommes within the framework of migration challenges at the local level as part of the project "Re-integration of socio-economic sustainability of migrants in Albania" financed by GIZ and implemented by Tdh. Get to know their impressions after participating in the workshop.
"Hello! I am Stela Mardusha and I work as a specialist at the European Integration, Diaspora, and Migration Unit at the Municipality of Shkodra. Today's meeting was very significant and useful in terms of discussing with other colleagues of other northern municipalities regarding the returnees and the challenges we are facing together. Since we are a unit involved directly with these target groups, cooperation plays a key impact on achieving good results. Strengthening this cooperation among the responsible institutions is the first step toward increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of our work in dealing with the migration phenomena.”
"I am Deana Alibali, and I work as a specialist at the Municipality of Shkodër at the Strategic Planning Directorate, in which a sector is dedicated to the European Union, Migration and Diaspora. Being part of this workshop was valuable for many reasons. The first among all is promoting good communication between local institutions. Workshops are also valuable for brainstorming ideas with each other, through contractive debates regarding the issue in focus. They serve to strengthen the bridges of effective communication, as well. It is worth it to create a network which can serve us better, since I believe that we are always able to do more good things in cooperation with each other, rather than work alone.”