Preventing breast cancer, means to be diagnosed in time. When there are still a few days left of this month’s campaign dedicated to the fight against breast cancer, a raising awareness meeting was held with girls and women at the Shushicë Multifunctional Community Center, in cooperation with the Local Health Care Unit, Elbasan. Identifying symptoms is an essential step for a successful treatment of the disease. That's why during this informative session, several demonstrations were also held on self-control, which should be a ritual for every girl and woman.
For the participants on this meeting, the knowledge gained was useful:
"We often tent to neglect ourselves because of family commitments. It was very helpful to remind ourselves how important it is to take care and preserve our health" - says a 37-year-old woman.
This informative session was organized within the framework of the project "Sustainable Socio-Economic Reintegration of Migrants Returned to Albania" financed by #GIZ, and implemented by Terre des Hommes, in cooperation with the Municipality of Elbasan.