Did you know that it takes 450 years for a plastic bottle to be eliminated from the land where it was thrown?
Young people who attend services at the Multifunctional Centers of Fier, Drizë and Levan are well-informed about the damage that plastic materials could do to the environment thanks to raising awareness activity which took place in the National Park of Divjakë-Karavasta, in close partnership with the National Agency of Protected Areas. They learned interesting facts about the history of the park, after that they took care to clean this well-known tourist destination.
Fabio, a 17-year-old young man, says that thanks to this action, he managed to understand how much damage is done to the environment by throwing a plastic bottle in the wrong place. While 15-year-old Ramadani says that giving his personal contribution for the first time to keep the environment clean made him understand that the environment’s problems belong to everyone, and that everyone should help to protect the natural beauty of the country.
This activity was developed in the framework of the project "Sustainable Socio-Economic Re-integration of Migrants Returned to Albania" financed by GIZ, which is implemented by Terre des Hommes, in cooperation with the Municipality of Fier and in partnership with the Social Center "Murialdo"