Prevention and Protection from Trafficking of Unaccompanied Albanian Minors in France

The overall goal of the proposed project is to strengthen the international cooperation between France and Albania to explore pathways for protection of unaccompanied Albanian children in France and prevention of trafficking of Albanian minors in France.


The activities of this project are intended, on the one hand to increase the efficiency of information sharing between the competent authorities, on the other hand, to strengthen the capacities of conducting social assessment in Albania. As such, it is planned to provide specific training to central-level institutions, specific training to local institutions in the municipalities of Tirana, Kukës and Shkodra and to provide support for child protection officers and social administrators in those municipalities.

Terre des hommes Albania has developed this project around two objectives:

  • Increase effectiveness of information sharing by competent authorities on the family and social environment in Albania of minors born in Albania, present on French territory.
  • Strengthen capacities for conducting social assessment in Albania.


French Permanent Mission to the UNO and the International Organisations in Vienna

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