On the International Humanitarian Day, the youth who attend services at the Multifunctional Community Centers in Tirana, Elbasan dhe Kukës made the day of elderly people through diffrent entertaining activities, spending time talking and cooking with them. Some of the participants in these activities shared with us, how did they felt:
"I was glad while I was cooking for grandmother Marika.”
“Seeing their smiles on their faces, while I was creating some bracelets for them, it was the most beautiful feeling I’ve ever had”
Whereas, Mr. Rizai, one old man from Kukës said:
"I was happy, like I was passing time with my own family”
The activity was organized from Terre des hommes Albania, in the framework of the Project “Prevention and Safe reintegration: Holistic Approach and Resilience to Violent Extremism” funded by the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF).