Access to Justice

Access to Justice

To counter the phenomenon of children in conflict with the law in Albania, we support system strengthening and youth resilience building through a restorative justice approach. We strengthen the child protection system and work to prevent the reoffending of children in conflict with the law through developing and implementing reintegration programs.

Current Projects

Completed Projects


On this day, we aim to empower our youth as advocates for peace and pledge to provide them with opportunities to enhance their skills to tackle the challenges in building a sustainable future. In Kukës and Dibër, youth groups engaged in the project "Youth Voice for Justice and Rights" with…
In a significant stride towards enhancing the justice system's approach to handling cases involving minors and victims of physical and sexual abuse, Terre des hommes (Tdh) recently concluded a comprehensive training session in Vlora. This initiative was organized in collaboration with the General…
In an effort to enhance the judicial treatment of minors and victims of abuse, Terre des Hommes, in collaboration with the General Prosecutor's Office, has successfully conducted another training session for legal professionals in Shkodra. This initiative is part of the "Youth Voice for Justice and…
We are thrilled that our young people engaged in the project "Youth Voice for Justice and Rights, funded by the Austrian Development Agency and ADC in Albania, took part involved in a series of held in Elbasan and Cërrik last week, conveying their messages against child labour! Our young people…
Terre des hommes, in cooperation with the General Prosecutor's Office, has organized, within the framework of the "Youth Voice for Justice and Rights" project, a two-day training session for legal professionals on friendly interviewing techniques for minors who are victims of physical and sexual…
We have successfully completed the focus group sessions as part of Terre des hommes Albania's ongoing efforts to design a model for rehabilitation, reintegration, and re-socialization (RRR), as well as the prevention of violent extremism! These sessions were a crucial opportunity for…


Terre des hommes in Albania presents the findings and recommendations of the first study that brings "Perception of children in conflict with the law about the effectiveness and impact of the probation service on their rehabilitation in Albania". The lack of children's participation in the…