
The latest news about the children we help and the events in Albania
Under the motto "From Awareness to Action: Join the Fight Against Trafficking", Terre des hommes joined the national campaign for the prevention and fight against human trafficking in Bulqiza Municipality. Terre des hommes Albania was in Bulqiza Municipality in the frame of the National Campaign…
As part of the national campaign to prevent and combat human trafficking, the One-Stop Center in Fier, in collaboration with the Psycho-Social Center VATRA, organized a roundtable discussion with key stakeholders. Participants included child protection professionals from the Fier and Patos…
Vijojnë takimet nga të rinjtë me të rinjtë mbi metodologjinë “Ti Krijon” me nxënësit e Shkollës 9-vjeçare “Shefqet Tanci”, Bashkia Bulqizë. Përmes aktivitetit "Rrethi i Besimit" të rinjtë eksploruan komunitetin dhe imagjinuan se si mjedisi i tyre mund të transformohej duke përdorur artin për të…
Meetings continue with young people on the "You Create" methodology with students from the "Shefqet Tanci" Nine-Year School, Municipality of Bulqizë. Through the activity "Circle of Trust," the youth explored the community and imagined how their environment could be transformed using art to support…
Children from the "Ibrahim Daçi" 9-Year School in Shupenzë, part of the Bulqizë Municipality, recently enjoyed a unique artistic experience, organized by the Multifunctional Community Center. Through the medium of art, the children were encouraged to express their emotions, think creatively, and…
With the participation of 22 children from "Ibrahim Daçi" 9-Year School, the Multifunctional Community Center of Bulqiza Municipality organized another activity full of energy, fun, and development for the children. These activities focus on improving children's emotional and social well-being…