Capacity building of professionals in Tirana for Integrated and Sustainable Services.

Capacity building of professionals in Tirana for Integrated and Sustainable Services.

A new model of services is being established by Terre des hommes in cooperation with the Municipality of Tirana and The National CVE Coordination Center - Albania, which aims at rehabilitation, reintegration and resocialization of individuals affected by radicalization and violent extremism as well as prevention of this phenomenon.

In the framework of the implementation of this model, today started a 4-day training for Integrated and Sustainable Services for professionals in the Municipality of Tirana. 
This is an important step towards creating a sustainable and safe community service system.

This activity was carried out within the project "Prevention and Safe Reintegration: Holistic Approach and Resilience to Violent Extremism "
violently" implemented by terre des hommes with GCERF (Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund) funding.