About Us

Child Protection
Terre des hommes Albania

Terre des hommes (Tdh) is the leading Swiss organization for children’s aid founded in 1960. Tdh operates in Albania since 1993 in the field of child rights, child protection, migration, and juvenile justice. Terre des hommes’ area of expertise ranges from psycho-social interventions to empowerment of local, regional, and national level governmental institutions and key stakeholders and strengthening of the child protection, juvenile justice system and social inclusion system for migrants in Albania.

children and youth attended our activities or received assistance in 2023.
parents and adults were supported in 2023 through community social services, educational support, youth engagement, etc.
professionals were trained working in the child protection and justice systems in 2023.


  • Our aim is to ensure that children in Albania are effectively protected and their rights are being properly respected. To ensure this, we operate through three main programs.
  • Child Protection - To support child victims of abuse and violence, we ad¬vocate for better integration of policies and strategies into the existing legal framework & strengthen the child protection system, provide training for professionals, and support local child protection organizations through small grants. Affected children have access to psycho¬social services, counseling, and recreational activities.
  • Migration and Anti-trafficking - To prevent unsafe migration and ensure reintegration of families returned to Albania, we provide support for sustainable socio-economic empowerment of children, youth & their families. We improve the regulatory framework for children on the move, and strengthen cross-border cooperation to prevent human trafficking and ensure access to services for victims.
  • Access to Justice for Minors - To counter the phenomenon of children in conflict with the law in Albania, we support system strengthening and youth resilience building through a restorative justice approach. We strengthen the child protection system and work to prevent the reoffending of children in conflict with the law through developing and implementing reintegration programs.
Timeline of Tdh in Albania

Terre des hommes starts its activity in Albania, focusing on combating child trafficking, abuse, neglect and exploitation and on developing the child protection system.


During the Kosovo war, Tdh provides emergency assistance to refugees in Korça, including food aid, hygiene kits as well as psychological and social support.


Launch of a large scale project to combat child trafficking between Albania and Greece, which earned Tdh the Human Rights Prize of the French Republic in 2002.


The Law on the Protection of Child Rights is adopted, which includes the Child Protection Unit model led by Tdh.


Tdh begins the work on the reintegration of migrant families returning to Albania and on prevention of unsafe migration.


The new Law on the Rights and Protection of the Children is adopted with the contribution of Tdh experts.


Tdh starts an innovative project to address violent extremism among youth. This also marks the beginning of the juvenile justice programme in Albania.


A new program on Access to Justice was launched and being implemented in the country.


Tdh is on the frontline to support children and families in need, affected by the devastating earthquake in November 2019.


Tdh responds to the COVID-19 pandemic through directly supporting hundreds of families in vulnerable conditions and providing working documents for professionals working in COVID-19 conditions.


The Regional Conference "Protection of Children in Conflict with the Law" explored linkages between the juvenile justice & child protection systems and importance of multidisciplinary approach on case management of children in conflict with the law towards their reintegration in Albania & Kosovo.


Terre des hommes in Albania, in collaboration with the Probation Service, presented the findings and recommendations of the first study that examines the "Perception of children in conflict with the law regarding the effectiveness and impact of the probation service on their rehabilitation in Albania."


Tdh signed the agreement with the AFA, in line with UEFA's initiative to develop national child protection policies to guarantee the safest environment for all children and youth involved in football. 

Girl in a refugee camp in Greece
Terre des hommes In The World

Terre des hommes (Tdh) is the leading Swiss organisation for children’s aid. Through our health, protection and emergency relief programmes, we provide assistance to over four million children and their families in around 40 countries each year.

Our Vision

We aspire to a world in which the rights of children, as defined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, are always respected. A world in which children can thrive in safe environments and become the agents of change they wish to see in their lives.

Our Mission

Terre des hommes, founded in 1960, is an independent, neutral and impartial Swiss organisation committed to bringing meaningful and lasting change to the lives of children and youth, especially to those most exposed to risks. We strive to improve their well-being and ensure the effective application of their rights as defined by the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other relevant human rights instruments. To make a difference, we focus on the areas of maternal and child health, children and youth migration, and access to justice. We aim to empower children and youth through active participation. We advocate for the respect of children’s rights, supporting them in voicing their needs and interests. We work in fragile and conflict-affected settings, as well as in stable environments.

Our Principles of Action

  • We act in the best interests of the child, based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and other relevant human rights instruments;
  • We promote and enhance child, youth, family and community participation and empowerment;
  • We foster local partners’ ownership of projects and actions, reinforce local systems to support and enable various national and local stakeholders to provide expertise and best practices;
  • We trust and build on the capacities of stakeholders and communities as primary responders and agents of change;
  • We implement humanitarian, development and peacebuilding activities;
  • We integrate constant learning, improvement, collaboration and knowledge sharing;
  • We strive for innovation and sustainability in all our actions and programmes;
  • We are accountable and transparent to beneficiaries, partners, donors and to ourselves;
  • We partner with other organisations to advocate for the respect of children’s rights.
Participation and Empowerment
  • We promote and enhance participation and empowerment.
  • We create the space for active participation and embrace inputs from others.
  • We are sensitive about others’ needs to have an influence.
  • We share and delegate power and responsibilities.
Partnership and Collaboration
  • We trust the capacities of our key actors as primary responders and agents of change. We build on their strengths and on their needs.
  • We champion co-creation and value complementarity.
  • We appreciate other points of view and seek collectively for pragmatic and innovative solutions.
  • We manifest humility, respect, fairness and see others as equal partners.
Innovation and Learning
  • We promote a culture of innovation.
  • We value curiosity, welcome new initiatives, and foster creativity.
  • We embrace voluntary learning and are ready for trial and error.
  • We foster knowledge sharing, learning and strive for sustainability.
Diversity and Inclusion
  • We celebrate diversity and inclusion of people.
  • We genuinely commit to diversity and inclusion and see it as a wealth in all our activities.
  • We understand the cultural contexts and value differences.
  • We are truly committed to an equal treatment.
Leadership and Excellence
  • We thrive to offer our best, we think ahead, and are ready and willing to go the extra mile for the well-being of children.
  • We provide quality programming and support. We are accountable and transparent. We use power responsibly.
  • We position ourselves through our expertise and savoir-faire.
  • We advocate for the rights of children whenever possible and seek actively opportunities to do so.

What's new

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