
The latest news about the children we help and the events in Albania
Twenty-three professionals from Kavaja and Lezha, who work in institutions such as social services, psycho-social services in schools, Juvenile Institute in Kavajë, and Public Health Institutes, took part in a 3-day training on "Trauma-Informed Services". The training offered participants the…
"From Awareness to Action: Join the Fight Against Trafficking!" This is the motto with which the national campaign was launched today in Tirana as part of the month-long initiative against human trafficking."At the beginning of the campaign in Mother Teresa Square, Terre des hommes Albania, along…
An important milestone in the life of the humanitarian organization based in Lausanne, which was founded 63 years ago with a firm commitment to making the world a better place for children. Representatives from central and local institutions, leaders of international and local organizations, media…
After producing the awareness video, the group of young people working with the "You Create" methodology at Gjon Karma High School in the Guri i Zi administrative unit has expanded their initiative to include other peers in their community. The phenomenon of bullying has been brought to attention…
In the session held in New York with the Working Group against Violent Extremism of the GCTF, Terre des hommes, represented by Ms. Valmira Greca, the manager of the Child Protection program, had the opportunity to participate in the discussion of the Albania case during the first session.…
Tdh organized an outdoor activity in Lezha for a group of Afghan mothers and girls, with a focus on gender-based violence. The activity included a discussion of the Referral Pathway matrix and various types of gender-based abuse.This provided an opportunity for participants to share their…