In the session held in New York with the Working Group against Violent Extremism of the GCTF, Terre des hommes, represented by Ms. Valmira Greca, the manager of the Child Protection program, had the opportunity to participate in the discussion of the Albania case during the first session. Strengthening cooperation at the national and local levels in terms of preventing violent extremism in the community was the focus of the discussion during this session.
Terre des hommes, as one of the first civil society organizations in Albania, has been actively engaged in collaborative initiatives against violent extremism. Additionally, they have played a significant role in the rehabilitation and reintegration process of children and women who have returned from conflict zones.
Our experience highlights the essential role that civil society plays in this collaborative endeavor. During this session, the importance of cooperation between the government and civil society actors was emphasized. It was highlighted that only by working together can we achieve results in the fight against violent extremism and in the effort to build safer communities.
This session essentially served as a powerful platform to explore coordination between national, local, and community-level actors in preventing and countering violent extremism that contributes to terrorism (P/CVE).