Back home, Back to hope!

The intervention Back home, back to hope! built upon the emergency support provided by Tdh to the families affected by the deadly earthquake on 26 November 2020. It was focused in the intermediate phase where the families were in their recovery process while trying to find long term solutions on their sheltering needs.


Enabling the provision of child friendly spaces, psychosocial support and community services for children and families affected by the earthquake.

The project is followed up on the support to the families already identified in the emergency phase while identifying, assessing the needs and planning the personalized support to other families that are in the recovery process after the earthquake in the district of Lezha and Durres.

Step and activities undertaken during the project implementation:

Coordination and planning with the Municipalities of Lezha and Durres - Initially, the work started with the families who were sheltered in umbrellas and those families who had suffered total damage to the apartment. These families were immediately offered emergency assistance which included assistance with food and hygiene packages but also psychological assistance through a contracted psychologist.

Outreach work and family’s needs assessment - Through field visits we assessed the immediate needs of earthquake-affected families but also the poor socio-economic and psychological well-being of those families.

Psychosocial support to children and families - Terre des Hommes established child-friendly spaces for children in the affected cities such as Lezha and Durres. These spaces helped the children involved in activities appropriate for them, in order to give the necessary psychological assistance to improve their social skills over the trauma post – earthquake.

Back home, back to hope! was funded by Canton Zurich