On the International Day for Safe Internet, the youth of Tdh in Dibër participated in the project "Youth Voice for Justice and Rights" with the support of the Austrian Development Agency and ADC in Albania. Furthermore, the young people who benefit from the services at the Multifunctional Community Center of Bulqiza, as part of the program "Transformation of the National Response to Human Trafficking in and from Albania" led by UNICEF Albania and supported by the British Embassy Tirana, participated in information sessions.
"To get the most out of the Internet, feel safe while using it, and avoid any potential dangers" is the message that Argita, a 16-year-old from Bulqiza, conveys to her peers after participating in the informative meeting organized by the staff of Terre des hommes.
Take a moment to reflect on your digital habits. Are you protecting your personal information? Are you being mindful of what you share online?
Ina, the 15-year-old girl from Dibra, joins the call and says, "Let's spread awareness among our friends, family, and peers. Together, we can create a safer digital environment for everyone!"