Terre des hommes Albania shared its experience as part of a workshop in Iraq about the rehabilitation of the returnees from conflict zones

Terre des hommes Albania shared its experience as part of a workshop in Iraq about the rehabilitation of the returnees from conflict zones

Terre des hommes Albania, within the project "Prevention and Safe Re-integration: Holistic and Sustainable Approach to Violent Extremism", which is being implemented in partnership with the Coordination Center Against Violent Extremism and with the financial support of Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF) was part of a three-day workshop in Iraq. The representatives of Terre des hommes and the Counseling Line for Women and Girls conveyed the experience of Albania, as part of the Balkan countries, regarding the model of rehabilitation and re-integration of children and women returned from conflict areas.

Valmira Greca, Case Management Officer at Tdh, shared with the participants, the case management approach and the practice followed in Albania for the rehabilitation and re-integration into the community of cases returned from conflict areas. She highlighted the main responsibilities and mentioned the national and local agencies involved in this process, as a joint cross-sectoral effort to guarantee quality and access to services.

The Development Program of UNDP, in cooperation with the government of Iraq and Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF), brought together during these three days a panel with experts and actors who implement the re-integration process on the ground, from legislative bodies to executive bodies, civil society, United Nations agencies and representatives from academia.