Preventive Resilience Building and Immediate Response Services for Children’s Victims of Trafficking and Severe Forms of Violence

The project intends to provide an impact at individual , community and institutional level by modeling and implementing sustainable approaches where integrated support is mobilised to respond to specific needs.

While many efforts have been invested to fight trafficking, there is still a need to provide continuous support and services for the successful reintegration of Potential Victims of Trafficking/ Victims of Trafficking in Albania. Such interventions if applied timely and with quality often may play a lifesaving function. To further strengthen and scale up the good work Terre des hommes and UNICEF, with the financial support of the British Government, moved ahead to tackle the prevention and response to root causes and consequences of trafficking, abuse and sexual exploitation of children. Tdh more specifically is proposing an intervention in the regions of Dibra, Shkodra, Fier and Kukes.

Main Outputs:

1- Improve access to community-based social service and livelihood opportunities to prevent (re-trafficking) and provide protection services to potential victims of trafficking.

2- Strengthen the capacities of front line professionals in the two newly established One Stop Centres for children affected by sexual abuse and severe forms of violence and duty bearers to design and implement prevention and response towards human trafficking and child abuse and exploitation including sexual abuse.

3- Effective and efficient programme management

Targeted Areas: National Level and Regions of Shkodra, Dibra, Kukes and Fier

Duration: 01.01.2023- 30.04.2024






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