
The latest news about the children we help and the events in Albania
The last day of the Labyrinth brought visitors again interested in getting first-hand information on re-integration after migration, employment opportunities and studies scholarships in Germany, as well as preparation for the labor market. Terre des hommes Albania’s team members, as one of the…
Did you know that it takes 450 years for a plastic bottle to be eliminated from the land where it was thrown? Young people who attend services at the Multifunctional Centers of Fier, Drizë and Levan are well-informed about the damage that plastic materials could do to the environment thanks to…
Adapting to change in society was the focus of the two-day training with 65 young people from Tirana, Elbasan, Kukës, and Durrës on the topic "Intercultural Dialogue and Critical Thinking". Through psycho-social games, the youth were trained to be accepting, to reduce prejudices generated by…
Strengthening the partnership between the Municipality of Elbasan and Terre des hommes Albania on community-based services was the focus of the meeting between our team and the Head of Social Services in the Municipality of Elbasan, head of child protection unit and the team of the Multifunctional…
On the International Humanitarian Day, the youth who attend services at the Multifunctional Community Centers in Tirana, Elbasan dhe Kukës made the day of elderly people through diffrent entertaining activities, spending time talking and cooking with them. Some of the participants in these…
Guided by common principles which aim is to preserve the highest interest of the child and respect the rights sanctioned by the International Child Protection Convent and all the national legal framework of each country, representative from the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Albania…