Strengthening the partnership between the Municipality of Elbasan and Terre des hommes Albania on community-based services was the focus of the meeting between our team and the Head of Social Services in the Municipality of Elbasan, head of child protection unit and the team of the Multifunctional Community Centers in Shushica and Elbasan.The purpose of this meeting was to look for opportunities to extend the services toward:
- Support Youth groups
- Ensure reintegration of families that have returned to Albania, and provide support for highly vulnerable families through the mobile services of an administrative unit,
- Bilateral synergy to coordinate through the Referral Assessment Unit, which has a relevant role, to provide the highest quality services.
The activities and services offered by the Multifunctional Community Center in Elbasan and Shushice are developed in the framework of the project “Sustainable socio-economic reintegration of returned migrants in Albania” financed by GIZ and implemented by Terre des hommes in partnership with the Municipality of Elbasan.