This is the most environmentally friendly youth group that has decided to undertake this initiative in the heart of the city, so that everyone can witness the change that the new generation can bring.
Under the motto "Plant and Grow a Tree," this activity was identified as a challenge during the "You Create" process by young people involved in the "Youth Voice for Justice and Rights" project, which is funded by the Austrian Development Agency and ADC in Albania. The activity brought together the mayor, Mr. Andis Salla, the Local Education Office, students, teachers, and citizens.
One of the young people in the group, Rea, conveyed this message:
"Every tree planted today is a small step toward a more sustainable future and a healthier planet."
The young people conveyed these messages not only through paintings at a meeting in the cultural center, but also by planting saplings in the city park. This demonstrates that this generation is not just talking about change, but actively contributing to it.