Coordination meeting with the network of child protection actors in the Municipality of Bulqiza

Coordination meeting with the network of child protection actors in the Municipality of Bulqiza

The local coordination mechanism in the Municipality of Bulqiza coordinates joint efforts of institutional and civil society actors to prevent trafficking, foster cooperation and intervene, when necessary, by ensuring effective referral of cases.

At the reflective and coordinating meeting of the network, the actors of the Municipality of Bulqiza and the Multifunctional Community Center reflected on the results achieved and discussed the challenges encountered during 2024.

Under the motto "The union makes power"- the importance of continuous approach to local mechanism by providing opportunities for improving the quality of joint work.

This meeting was organized within the framework of the program "Transforming the National Response to Trafficking in and from Albania", implemented by Terre des hommes, led by UNICEF Albania and supported by British Embassy Tirana.