17 Professionals Were Trained on Developing Interpersonal Competencies for Assessing Children Affected by Abuse, Violence, and Neglect.

17 Professionals Were Trained on Developing Interpersonal Competencies for Assessing Children Affected by Abuse, Violence, and Neglect.

Seventeen representatives from the Social Service institutions of the Lezhë Municipality, the Local Unit for Health Care, school psychologists, and social workers from the Nisma për Ndryshim Shoqëror, Arsis and Terre des hommes were trained over a period of two days on "Developing interpersonal competencies for assessing children affected by abuse, violence, and neglect." During this training held in Shengjin (Lezhë Municipality), participants increased their knowledge through practical exercises, group discussions, and the sharing of knowledge, on these topics:
•    Expressions and skills in communicating with children;
•    Ethics and its importance in working with children;
•    The way of conducting interviews with children who are victims of gender-based violence;
•    Confidentiality in relationships with children, etc.

One of the participants professionally evaluated this activity after the training, emphasizing:
"I clarified many questions regarding the reporting of cases. The information was valuable in terms of managing different situations, and it is applicable in everyday life. »
This activity was organized within the project "Refugees, especially children and women, have access to quality services for the prevention and response to abuse, violence, and neglect", implemented by Terre des hommes Albania and Nisma për Ndryshim Shoqëror, ARSIS, in partnership with UNICEF Albania and funded by the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) of the US Department of State.