The project aims to strengthen the capacities of service providers and governmental institutions to ensure that TiP victims and potential victims have access to comprehensive prevention and protection through functional national and transnational coordination mechanisms for identification and case management in Albania and Greece. This initiative builds upon existing regional and national mechanisms promoting better collaboration and coordination for early identification and assistance to victims of TIP and potential victims.
The overall goal of the proposed project is to ensure that TiP victims and potential victims have access to comprehensive prevention and protection through functional national and transnational coordination mechanisms for identification and case management.
Objective 1: Victims and potential victims of TiP are identified and protected through a functional referral mechanism. Objective 2: Potential victims of TiP and targeted public in Albania and Greece are better informed about human trafficking.
Main Results:
Strengthen transnational cooperation between Albania and Greece for the referral and protection of TiP victims through unified SOPs. Professionals trained on unified standard transnational operating procedures (SOPs) for the protection of victims and potential victims of trafficking; Communities in 2 countries are informed on trafficking in person through usage of mainstream media and social media.
Terre des hommes Albania and Terre des hommes Hellas are implementing the project “Albania and Greece, supporting an effective transnational referral mechanism and cross border child protection for victims and possible victims of trafficking" funded by the Permanent Representation of France at UN Office in Vienna.