Young people from "At Gjon Karma" High School Convey Messages Against Trafficking, Through Art!

Young people from "At Gjon Karma" High School Convey Messages Against Trafficking, Through Art!

"Trafficking in human beings through the eyes of young people" was the theme of the exhibition that opened its doors in the premises of "At Gjon Karma" high school in the administrative unit of Gur i Zi, located in the Shkodër Municipality. The young people involved in the "Youth Voice for Justice and Rights" project, supported by the Austrian Development Agency and ADC in Albania, aimed to encourage their peers to join an awareness campaign against human trafficking through this initiative. Human rights require attention and should be treated as an issue that demands immediate action.

"For over a week, we collaborated to bring this exhibition to life. Art, for us, serves as a great opportunity to express our concern about this phenomenon to our peers and the community where we live," - asserts Erisa, one of the talented young girls participating in this exhibition.

Interest in the creations of young people is high, as the exhibition will remain open throughout the week.
Let's join this youth initiative as a unique opportunity to listen to the voices of the new generation advocating for a more engaged community in addressing sensitive issues, such as human trafficking.