The Journey of the Young People from Shkodra to Bring About Positive Changes Continues!

The Journey of the Young People from Shkodra to Bring About Positive Changes Continues!

After producing the awareness video, the group of young people working with the "You Create" methodology at Gjon Karma High School in the Guri i Zi administrative unit has expanded their initiative to include other peers in their community. The phenomenon of bullying has been brought to attention through videos, sparking discussions among youth. These courageous girls and boys have shared their personal experiences, shedding light on the harsh reality of this issue.

17-year-old Pamela expressed her gratitude for the meeting, stating, "We don't always know how to articulate our thoughts, so I am truly grateful for the opportunity we were given to voice our concerns." 

As her peer, Denisa says, "None of us look good when we make others feel bad. We can provide positive examples and not remain indifferent to such situations."

During the meeting, the young participants also had the opportunity to connect with experts from the Gur i Zi Community Center (Shkodër Municipality), which could serve as a valuable resource for addressing any of their concerns. This initiative was undertaken as part of the "Youth Voice for Justice and Rights" project, funded by the Austrian Development Agency and ADC in Albania.