Youth Trainings on Legal Education Have Started in 8 Cities


“Law and justice are not always the same.”
“Recognizing the law is a way of recognizing oneself.” 

These are some of the thoughts of the young people from 8 cities, like Kukës, Tirana, Lezha, Shkodra, Dibra, Cërrik, Elbasan and Fier, who participated in the "Legal Education for Youth" training, within the framework of the "Youth, Rights and Justice" project, implemented by Terre des hommes Albania, with funding from the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) through the Austrian Development Cooperation funds. 

They consolidated their knowledge of juvenile justice and the instruments used for the management of crime reduction for children and young people. These young people are already aware that the right is not something someone else might give or take, it is something sanctioned by the law, that they deserve to have.