Tdh Continues to Work on Capacity Building with Child Protection Professionals!

Tdh Continues to Work on Capacity Building with Child Protection Professionals!

Twenty-three professionals from Kavaja and Lezha, who work in institutions such as social services, psycho-social services in schools, Juvenile Institute in Kavajë, and Public Health Institutes, took part in a 3-day training on "Trauma-Informed Services". The training offered participants the opportunity to improve their skills on issues such as:

  • Traumatic Events and Types of Trauma
  • Trauma and Our Cultural Biases
  • Reactions to Acute Trauma
  • Neurobiology of Trauma
  • Resilience and Trauma Coping Skills
  • Fatigue and professional exhaustion related to dealing with trauma, etc.

The training also served as a platform for discussion, sharing best practices, and exchanging positive experiences among professionals.

This activity was organized within the project "Refugees, especially children and women, have access to quality services for the prevention and response to abuse, violence, and neglect", implemented by Terre des hommes Albania and the Initiative in partnership with UNICEF Albania and funded by the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) of the US Department of State.