Anti-Trafficking Youth Group from Dibra Municipality Share their Peer-to-Peer Experience in Bulqiza Municipality

Youth Bulqiza

Let's share positive experiences and promote exchange among young people!

In this spirit, the youth group engaged in the Dibër municipality as part of the "Youth Voice for Justice and Rights" project has become part of the anti-trafficking awareness campaign developed within the program framework "Transformation of the National Response to Human Trafficking in and from Albania." This campaign is implemented in the Bulqiza Municipality by Terre des hommes.

The activity, which took place at the "Ibrahim Daci" school in Shupenze, brought together young people and child protection professionals to discuss the following topics:

• On the importance of youth engagement,

• Youth empowerment.

• Increasing knowledge on juvenile justice issues and recognizing the positive impact of the "You Create" methodology as a tool for preventing negative phenomena, such as human trafficking.

This youth exchange was made possible within the project framework "Youth Voice for Justice and Rights" implemented by Terre des hommes with funding from the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and ADC in Albania.