Supporting Social Workers, Tdh Organized a Three-Day Training Session for Coaching & Mentoring

Coaching and Mentoring

To have qualitative social services in partnership with local governmental institutions, we must invest more toward building capacities of all the professionals who offer these services and maintained the standards of quality. 

In support o social workers, Terre des hommes organized a three-day session training on coaching and mentoring. During those days the participants get to know the best techniques and practices on coaching and mentoring on social context and they discussed on the current blueprints the professionals are used to apply nowadays all over the world. 

Dorina Hoxha, a child protections worker in the Municipality of Tirana says:
“Social workers could achieve through this process of partnership with our services’ beneficiaries more development for human capacities. This is way I consider this training as a good opportunity to learn more on coaching & mentoring techniques”

Such activities have been organized within the framework of the "Sustainable Socio-Economic Reintegration of Returned Migrants in Albania" project funded by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH, implemented by Terre des Hommes, in cooperation with the Municipality of Kukës, Lezhë Shkodra, Durrësi, Elbasan and Fier.