Networking meeting with NGOs

Networking and reflective meeting

Thanks to the support of Austrian Development Agency, that through the project "Youth Voice for Justice and Rights" enabled 14 civil society organizations finalized with success their projects in 7 cities in Albania. These projects benefited 1198 young people, community members, professionals, and stakeholders from local government.

The projects focused on capacity building of young people, active participation, community mobilization, awareness campaigns, critical thinking, art, involvement of local actors and partnership. 
During the networking meeting, organizations had the opportunity to exchange on their experience, models, and best practices. Such activities are effective as they serve to allocate resources and capacities.

We trusted young people that they could do something for the good of the community and believed in their abilities. That's a success- says one of the partners. 
This activity was realized within the project "Youth, Rights and Justice" implemented by Terre des hommes with Austrian Development Agency funding.