About 40 Child Protection Workers and coordinators for the victims from the General Prosecution participated in reflective meetings in Tirana and Shkodra, co-organized by the State Agency for the Rights and Protection of the Child and Terre des hommes.
The main objective of the meetings is to strengthen international cooperation for the exchange of information through the assessment of the family and social environment of the child, with the aim of more effectively identifying unaccompanied Albanian minors who are victims of trafficking or at risk of trafficking in France and abroad.
Participants discussed the challenges they face in working with minors and their families when it comes to unaccompanied Albanian children abroad. During the meeting was shared a general overview of the system for the protection of unaccompanied children in France, the problems related to Albanian minors and the cooperation of the two countries for child protection.
The event is organized in the framework of support provided by the Permanent Representation of France to the United Nations and international organizations in Vienna (PP UN Vienna), through the project "Prevention and Protection from Trafficking of Unaccompanied Albanian Minors in France".