Together for the children, Terre des hommes Albania, in partnership with the Albanian Football Association, has initiated the replication of training sessions focused on child safety in football with all sports clubs in 8 regions across the country.
During the training session held at the next stop in Tirana, at the premises of the Football House, representatives from various departments of the AFL who work with children's football, as well as representatives from the championship clubs "Abissnet Superior" and football academies in Tirana, participated.
By combining the expertise of Terre des hommes, the regional office, with the guidance of Tdh Albania trainers Ms. Valmira Greca and Mr. Elvis Mançellari, and UEFA's knowledge of the specific context regarding the involvement of children and youth in football, the participants were introduced to preventive and responsive actions to address harm or abuse of children, as outlined in the Child Protection and Safety Guide.