International Youth Day, young people from Lezha and Elbasan as Architects of a Better World.

International Youth Day, young people from Lezha and Elbasan as Architects of a Better World.

Let's become stronger and learn how to address our difficulties and challenges with the appropriate institutions!
This was the message that the young people of Lezha received on International Youth Day through the activity developed by Terre des hommes in cooperation with the Social Service of Lezha Municipality.

In an informative session, young people discussed the possibilities they have to raise their concerns through the work done by social services in their city.
Marsela, who is 15 years old, finds it interesting to participate in such activities.
"Every day, I am constantly learning new things, and I prefer to be actively involved with the Terre des hommes youth group rather than wasting time on social networks."

While in Elbasan, the young people conveyed their messages through paintings, choosing a caption for each artwork to empower their peers.

These activities were organized within the project "Youth Voice for Justice and Rights" with funding from the Austrian Development Agency and ADC in Albania.