Tdh part of the round table with the Austrian President, to present the project financed by Austrian Development Agency

Tdh part of the round table

Terre des hommes Shqipëri was pleased to be part of the table organized at the Ministry of Justice, as part of the visit to Tirana of the Austrian President, Alexander Van der Bellen. A sign of the strong friendship between the two countries is also the support of a series of projects through the Austrian Development Agency in the field of justice and the rule of law, as well as to shorten Albania's journey towards the European Union. 
Terre des hommes Shqipëri was represented at this important meeting by the Head of Country Office, Mrs. Enkelejda Kallçiu, who, while introducing the participants to the objectives to be achieved through the "Youth Voice for Justice and Rights" project, which has started to be implemented with the financial support of ADA, expressed her gratitude for the positive cooperation established with the Ministry of Justice and the Austrian Development Agency.
The project has started to be implemented in the 8 targeted areas in Albania the project will be improving knowledge and capacities of children/youth (14-25 years old) about rule of law, democracy, hu¬man rights, gender & diversity, environment and their role as agents of change in their community. They will be prompted to take actions by implementing 48 child/youth-led initiatives and building sustainable solutions for each of the previous mentioned topics.  At the same time youth 19 CSOs and community groups will be supported to work with children/youth, families, and communities to develop and implement local initiatives on children/ youth empowerment and active participation.